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On Hold Arabian Horse World 3/77 Azlaf Rafsey, Regionals, SIDI 223, Early California Story

Arabian Horse World
March 1977
Vol. 17 No. 6

Here is just some of what you will find in this 432 page issue

SIDI 223 - Everything you always wanted to know about.... but were afraid to ask explained by Carol Mulder
"For the past 30 years I have been looking for a photographs of SIDI, and so has everybody else who is interested in historical research.  Well lookie here, this is not only an Excellent detailed article BUT there are THREE b/w photos of SIDI and a host of others in this article.

Photos from the 1976 U.S. Nationals

Genetics: Recessive Lethal Gene Action as a Model of Selection, by Michael Bowling

Regional Reports: Regions 1, 2 and 3

The Regional Concept

Foto Index to Regional Arab Album

The (Early) California Story, by Gladys Brown Edwards

Ride at Hearst Ranch

The Case of the Croup, or "The Arab Triangle" by Gladys Brown Edwards
Excellent Pictorial and Drawing Illustrations

Stud Book Research: Vol. 28

History Made - Future Strong

The Arabian and Half-Arabian Hunter Jumper Classic

Here are just some of the Arabians pictured in this issue. Please note that with some exceptions all horses names are those with full body shots.

*Ruszt, KA Surzort, Ibn Chimena, SX Bint Cobah, Bint Khemo, *Exelsjor, Gai-Rainbow, *Majdan, Certor, Sundance Sonny, SIDI, Gizwat 498, Gebhat-Al-Nour 496, My Sabeyn, AM Erka, Dalkateer, Royal Scion, Sun Angel, Ibn Prowizja, Comar Bay Brummel, Bint Romanaa, Aran, Coe Geyn, *Escudo, Mszort, Celeste Silver, *Elkana, Quebec Quemaus, Quebec Paquet, *Espartero, Naborrin, Liberty Belle, *Daalda Epirus, Aza Destiny and LOTS MORE

Condition: VG+ used. Clean Crisp copy

    • UPC 0003-7494
    • ISBN 0003-7494
    • Brand Arabian Horse World
    • Mfg Part # 0003-7494
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