New Rubber Baptism Band Red and White Bracelet
Says on white side (in raised letters), "I am Baptized into Christ"
Says on red side (in raised letters) "Ego baptizatus sum"
Approx. 2.5" inner diameter
Baptism Bands
The Apostle Paul wrote in Romans 6 that anyone
who is baptized into Christ is baptized into his death,
connected to Jesus' Iife by grace through faith. Just
as importantly, baptism connects you to his
resurrection. That's why this Baptism Band is
red and white.
The red is for the blood which Jesus shed on the I
cross to offer the whole world the forgiveness of 1
The white is for the perfection of Jesus, which he
give.s to all, freely, who believe in him. You can wear
this bracelet as a daily reminder of that fact.
The Explanation
Martin Luther had a tender conscience. Whenever
he was pressed by the sheer weight of his guilt, he
would assure himself with these comforting words,
''Ego baptizatus sum !''
Latin for, "Surely, I am baptized !'' When the weight
of your guilt pressed down on you, remember that
though there are many ways to deal with guilt,
there's only one right way
Some rationalize guilt, others deny guilt. The right
way? Cast your guilt on Jesus. "Surely l am
baptized.'' And then, unburdened, you are freed to
Iive as a child of God.
Christ died for a11, that those who Iive should no
Ionger live for themselves, but for him who died for
them and was raised again. 2 Cor. 5:15
Says on white side (in raised letters), "I am Baptized into Christ"
Says on red side (in raised letters) "Ego baptizatus sum"
Approx. 2.5" inner diameter
Baptism Bands
The Apostle Paul wrote in Romans 6 that anyone
who is baptized into Christ is baptized into his death,
connected to Jesus' Iife by grace through faith. Just
as importantly, baptism connects you to his
resurrection. That's why this Baptism Band is
red and white.
The red is for the blood which Jesus shed on the I
cross to offer the whole world the forgiveness of 1
The white is for the perfection of Jesus, which he
give.s to all, freely, who believe in him. You can wear
this bracelet as a daily reminder of that fact.
The Explanation
Martin Luther had a tender conscience. Whenever
he was pressed by the sheer weight of his guilt, he
would assure himself with these comforting words,
''Ego baptizatus sum !''
Latin for, "Surely, I am baptized !'' When the weight
of your guilt pressed down on you, remember that
though there are many ways to deal with guilt,
there's only one right way
Some rationalize guilt, others deny guilt. The right
way? Cast your guilt on Jesus. "Surely l am
baptized.'' And then, unburdened, you are freed to
Iive as a child of God.
Christ died for a11, that those who Iive should no
Ionger live for themselves, but for him who died for
them and was raised again. 2 Cor. 5:15
Payment Methods

USPS, $3.00
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Ships to: United States ONLY
No International Orders
I only ship to the continental lower 48 US states (No shipping to Hawaii, Alaska, Puerto Rico, GUAM, APO, FPO)
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