I test all video game items at the time of acquisition and then again just before shipment. ALL electronic items are sold AS IS.
- UPC 711719770107
- Brand SONY
- Mfg Part # SCPH-90001SS

PAYPAL ONLY + USA ONLY. ALL ITEMS SOLD AS IS. FLAT RATE SHIPPING IS TO THE CONTINENTAL USA ONLY! ...AK and HI are extra. I usually ship items 1-2 business days after receiving payment (no weekend shipping), but please allow at least 1 week for delivery. Neither I nor the USPS guarantees delivery times.
I usually ship items 1-2 days after receiving payment (excludes weekends and holidays), but please allow at least 1 week for delivery. Neither I nor the USPS guarantees delivery times.
ALL items are sold AS IS with no returns.
ALL items are sold AS IS with no returns. FLAT RATE SHIPPING IS TO THE CONTINENTAL USA ONLY! ...AK and HI are extra. USA only. I usually ship items 1-2 business days after receiving payment (I do not ship on weekends), but please allow at least 1 week for delivery. Neither I nor the USPS guarantees delivery times.